Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Results Are In...

...HCG & Progesterone results, that is.

So, my positive pregnancy test was on Saturday, May 1st.

Today was my first visit since then to my RE's office for lab work.

And the results are.... (drum roll, please)

HCG: 550
Progesterone: 50

I am currently 3 weeks, 6 days pregnant.

The nurse said that those are good numbers. I feel encouraged yet still cautiously guarding my feelings.

I also asked her about the strange sensations in my lower abdomen. I almost constantly feel tingling & slightly burning sensations. She said this is normal & is probably caused from my uterus stretching. It's not cramping like when I had miscarriages in the past. But it's on the verge of a slight cramp/tingle/burn. It's hard to describe.

I also asked her about using Endometrin even though my progesterone level is great. She said she would talk to my doctor about it & call me tomorrow. She said that if it would make me feel better, then she doesn't see why I couldn't use it. She doesn't think it would hurt anything. But she's going to ask just to be sure.

I told her that I just want to feel that I have done everything possible to avoid miscarriage. She totally understood & was very kind and compassionate.

I want to thank the Lord for this answered prayer!!! I got a good report today!!! Thank You, Lord, for Your great mercies & provision. You are a wonderful God, and I love You!!

Friends, please do continue to pray for me that all goes well. Thank you!!

I will go back to my RE on Friday for another HCG level. They will check to make sure my level has doubled like it should in 48 hours.


Stacey said...

Awesome!!! I have refreshed your blog about 5 times today. :)
I'm so happy that you had a good report. My first HCG test this time around (at 18 days past ovulation) was 562 and my progesterone was 37.2. Your numbers look great! Continuing to pray for you as you wait for those numbers to rise. I know you want to be cautious, but today is a day to celebrate this good news!

Birdie said...

Thanks so much for your support, Stacey!! You're right... Today is a day to celebrate! :) Thanks for that reminder b/c sometimes fear tries to crowd out joy. But I know that God has not given me a spirit of fear!! Thanks so much for your continued prayers! I will pray for you too, Stacey.

J said...


Dan & Hillary said...

Those numbers are wonderful!! You can never have too much progesterone, so keep on it:-) I remember I had the abdomen cramps/tweeks until about week 14. It's difficult not to let you mind get concerned but it is also a sign of healthy growing:-) It's okay to dream:-)

Birdie said...

Thanks for the comments & congratulations!!

Hillary, I'm glad to hear that you had the cramps/tweeks too and that everything went well! And I also started progesterone last night! :)

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