Friday, January 21, 2011

No Need to Order Pregnancy Tests

I started my cycle a few days earlier than expected. So no need to buy more tests and obsess over testing this month!! There's always next month! ha

I was disappointed. But I try to take it in stride and just think, "Well, it must not have been the right time..." Besides that, it's a little bit of a relief way down deep inside to know that I won't be on pins and needles or be tempted to worry myself sick this month over whether or not I'll miscarry.

Big Guy & Little Guy are still doing wonderfully! But I would like to know if any of you have any advice on getting a one month old to sleep at night! Sometimes he's wide awake at night. Other times he's sleepy but will only sleep in my arms or if I'm lying beside of him. If I get up or put him down he's wide awake.

I hope y'all are all doing well. Two of my BFFs are visiting tomorrow from out of town, so I'm very excited! Looks like it will be a great weekend!


Dan & Hillary said...

Sorry about the negative hpt. Like you, a positive tests seems to cause more angst than I'd wish for.

Try reading the book, "The Baby Whisperer." I loved that book and it's advice for a sleep/eat/play routine and ways to read a baby's body language. It saved our lives more than once!

Tracy said...

The baby Whisperer is a good book. As is, Happiest Baby on the Block. Both good reads!

Birdie said...

I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for that book!! Thanks, Girls!!

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