Friday, February 12, 2010

Beginning Birdie's Blog

Well, I never thought I'd write a blog. I never thought I had that much to say or anything to say that anyone would be interested in reading. That was before I experienced the heartache of recurrent miscarriage. Now I want to write because some days I need to vent my feelings and frustrations and yell about this terrible thing called recurrent miscarriage. Some days I want to share my triumphs, my hopes, my dreams for my baby that I just know I'm going to someday hold in my arms. And always, I want to share my hope. Without my hope in Jesus I couldn't make it through. I know He'll never leave my side. I'm so thankful that I'm not facing this without Him.
Thanks so much for reading my blog. To think that someone would show an interest in my journey is very humbling. I pray you'll be blessed, encouraged, & entertained as I write about everything from my cat Feather and his crazy antics to my sweet artist husband Jay (who's been known to be a little forgetful and do things like putting his shirts on backwards & wearing 2 belts to work) to my latest updates on our journey to baby!


Dan & Hillary said...

Hello, sister-in-Jesus:-) I am sorry to 'meet' you under the current circumstances but please be encouraged by the gals on my blog list the have had recurrent losses that are now mothers of one or more children.

My RE believes that my body was producing progesterone but when she looked for the follicle on the ultrasound, it wasn't visable. She thinks it itinially was producing but then would 'clunk out' and fail and the pregnancy would be lost. If I could give you some hope, please BEG for Endometrin. That stuff is the new gold standard in IVF clinics here in Cali.

I went thru EVERY test possible (I can e-mail you the list) but still 'normal' except for my thyroid and my husband's low morphology which can't be attributed to 7 m/c's or losses...

Please feel free to e-mail me at hillaryayoung at gmail dot com for more info or just some encouragement. Don't let your spirit grow hardened during this season... the sorrow can and will bring you closer to Christ...

J said...

Hello! Thank you for commenting on my blog! I feel your pain and I understand all too well why you started this blog. I also started my blog to write about my recurrent miscarriages and like you, I have a story book romance with my husband! I spent a year writing about loss and finally in November, I was able to start a new blog for our new journey-adoption. I truly believe adoption has always been God's first choice for us. I can't wait to watch your story unfold and I'm very eager to meet your son or daughter...I'm interested to see what plans God has for you! :) God Bless!

Birdie said...

Thanks so much for reading my blog and for your comments!! As a new blogger, it's very encouraging to see my followers list growing and to read comments from readers! :)
Baby Wanted, adoption is wonderful! I have 2 adopted nieces & an adopted nephew. I'm crazy about them!! I've known for years that I wanted to adopt even before the miscarriages. I wanted to adopt and have biological children. My husband and I are actually going to be attending foster classes soon. I'm very excited about it!
I'm also excited to see your story unfold and the precious child that God has planned for you! God Bless You!

J said...

That is our plan to adopt and then hopefully God will bestow a miracle on us and we will have one biologically. I'm so glad to hear you are crazy about them! I always worry if our family will love our adopted children. They say they will and I believe them but we won't know until our child is here.

We were married in July of 05' so it has been almost 5 years that we have been trying...I wanted to adopt last February after my last miscarriage but Greg wasn't ready. If you want to read my old fertility blog let me know and I can add you as a reader. I closed that blog in November because it was a dark time for me. I had to move on for our adopted baby's sake.

Birdie said...

Yes, I would like to read it. Please add me as a reader. Thanks!

And just as an encouragement to you about how your family will react to adopted children...My family is a pretty traditional, small town family, and my parents are also crazy about my adopted nieces and nephew. The youngest is Hispanic, and it makes no difference. My parents are really attached to her. She's so spoiled! :) Even if they are a little shy to the idea at first, as soon as they start spending time with the baby they will probably fall completely in love with him/her. At least that's the experience from my family!

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